Futurecasting AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises rapid transformation of the legal profession, offering unprecedented opportunities to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and client service. In this forward-looking webinar, Brian Kennel, CEO and Founder of PerformLaw, will delve into the highest potential AI applications poised to reshape legal practice. Drawing on his extensive experience in law firm management and consulting, Brian will provide insights into how AI can be leveraged to stay competitive in an evolving industry.


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Your Co-Host
Brian Kennel

Brian Kennel, CEO & Founder, PerformLaw

With over two decades of experience in law firm management and consulting, Brian specializes in helping small and mid-sized firms solve complex management challenges. His expertise includes leveraging data-driven strategies to enhance decision-making and maintain a competitive edge in the evolving legal marketplace.

Your Co-Host
Gary Allen

Gary Allen was only two years out of Stanford Law School when the firm he was working for imploded. It happened again four years later. He was left without a job. Those experiences created a passion in Gary to help law firms be better businesses, with efficient operations, streamlined financial management, and a laser focus on profitability. Gary recently retired from practicing law after 30 years as a partner at Givens Pursley, a 40-lawyer firm in Boise, Idaho. He is the founder of LeanLaw, a legal billing software company. 

Gary Allen

Register for Upcoming Webinars

This webinar is part of our Best-in-Class Law Firm Webinar Series.  

Best-In-Class Final

The webinar is pre-approved for the following Certified Legal Manager credits through the Association of Legal Administrators, where LeanLaw is an approved CLM provider:

  • * CLM® Application Credit for Functional Specialists: 1 hour in the subject area of Human Resource Management towards the additional hours required of some Functional Specialists to fulfill the CLM application requirements.
  • * CLM® Recertification Credit: 1 hour in the subject area of Human Resource Management.